Friday, December 26, 2008


Ill leave a rose at the stone of where our love lies. Ill weep a little and maybe die slowly inside. Ill talk to the plants that grow wildly by its side. The life of our love waiting to break through the stiffling earth of mistakes past. The death of faith once so strong, loses everything and weakens from the inside. What we had was pure symmetry, laughs and pain balled up in one. What has left us all dried up so quickly. Everything just refuses to hang on. I feel you here inside of me, a little voice inside my heart. Telling me to just keep tryin until there is nothing left. Remind me again of how it is. Assure me again of how its gonna be. Something keeps telling me its all gonna be worth it one day but right now, its all just the most piercing pain. Be back in MY arms, come home to me. Give me your voice and I promise you'll always have all of me.. Rest in peace my love, may the light bring you home..

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