Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Stolen little nibbles of a bite too big. All down the gutter of things that just weren't meant to be. End it now when nothing more is lost. Leave now broken before the little pieces are gone. Never again to lose myself to dwell in a realm of darkness beyond all else. I must pick up these sweet nothings and make it wonderful everythings that just don't matter anymore. Define this moment as the hour calls for the bell to ring. Chime through this chapter and end it with infinity. All that is lost in ones lonesome kiss is all that remains in a lover's drift. Sonnets written of long awaited love is all crumbled and tossed away in the new man's world. Thoughts adrift and lies that lay swift. Tonights the night and tommorows no longer exist.. Bring me back to todays and what ifs.. Let me be lost in all my amazings within. Let the rainbow surpass the clouds in the sky and let me stop my dreams of stupid you and I's..

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